Cool shop
Again, I can’t really buy anything…
Didn’t taste good, but I like the design of this
Kratingdaeng… looks familiar
Feeling like a proper tourist
Most touristy place so far 😂
But nice here
For the various gods and demons
The streets of full of these offerings. I like how they add chewing gum when there are cigarettes. Don’t want your local demons to have bad breath… makes sense.
Hidden garden in a street even too narrow for cars
Farewell night
Actually dancing on tables in a famous club
Free food all night long
Party-Tjorven and Party-Lukas
Coolest bar I’ve seen in a long time
I’m not into cool bars, but this one had a few themed private rooms that all looked different
Everyone is on their phones
Guess it’s time then
Time to cool down after all this travelling
First hotel in Canggu, picked quite randomly – with a private pool!
Black frozen yogurt – tastes like white frozen yoghurt, but… you know… black!
Black mini tempeh burgers. Tempeh is not a special meat substitute for these weird vegetarians – everyone eats it here
In Indonesia “smoothie” means there’s yoghurt in it. “Fresh juice” is usually blended fruit.
Monkeys doing their thing