Cold, clear water
Through floating fields
It’s a race!
Exploring the neighborhood
Probably a cheaper suburb
Can you still call this a village?
The way to the Indein Pagoda complex
Indein Pagoda complex
I love it when nature reclaims human-made structures
In the center
The interior, blue and red, as a nice contrast to the green and gold outside
Countless structures, in every possible state of decay
Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda
Feeding pigeons. In Germany you’d get into trouble for this.
Inside: Never seen so many donations boxes in one place. Kind of ruins the place really.
Jumping Cat Monastery
A bit more than a decade ago, a monk living here trained cats to jump through wooden loops. Nobody has used the actual name of this monastery since then. It’s simply called “Jumping Cat Monastery” now. The monk has passed away though and the current cat generation mainly hang out. And licks things.
… And sleep.
… And stare at invisible demons. Just cat things.
Lotus thread weaving
It takes a lot of effort to weave and process lotus threads.
But therefore they are delicate, cannot be washed properly, cannot be dyed, don’t feel particularly soft and are super-expensive. I’m sold!
Bamboo pots
Are you trying to kill us?
Hand rolled cigarettes and cigars with different flavors
Some of them even made our chain smokers cough
Black Smith family (Not referring to Will and Jaden)