Avocado toast: 6 stars
Korean for a change
If you’re feeling down because women are complicated – have a Golden Gaytime!
Checking out the city
The first giant city letters I did not refuse to take a photo of. (But where’s the hashtag?!)
Part of Brisbane’s skyline
Weirdly asymmetric bridge, look away if you have OCD
Uuuuuhh, it’s getting dark
So random
As a secret fan of Segways and electric Kick-Scooters, I feel offended!
Bikes get this. This is discrimination.
In Australia, Aquaman does the Shaka sign 🤙 – in the movie he does not
Still not sure what precisely these are…
If I don’t move, the guy with the camera won’t see me.
Shhhh, don’t move, little one! He’s staring at us!
A giant, free, public swimming pool 😮
Just like this
With sand even, making a fake beach. A fake ocean, actually!
They probably have to move around the sand all the time to maintain this.
Gallery of Modern Art, it’s all free!
100 sheets of paper, each with a bit of text, most of it filled with hate, but some are songs. Various languages. And the microphones are actually speakers that randomly read or sing out the stuff from the sheets. And sometimes others respond. Super-impressed, but hard to explain. So I’ll better stop here.
Made from tiny shrines from a demolished village
Erm, ok, whatever.
This piece of art is titled “A Floor Plan For Public Toilet.” I feel with all my fellow female human beings who always have to queue up for toilets.
Still in the process of interpreting this one
If you’re into voyeurism: More than 150 tiny rooms
Zooming in…
Some surprises can be found if you look closely
Random stuff
T-shirt motive on my to-buy-list
Hostel life is not always glamorous
At least they know how to talk to people
Ringtail possum 🤓
I really tried to find out and even my go-to biology friend couldn’t identify it 😂
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