A ton of bananas for the elephants
They move around freely in a vast wildlife reserve, so we have to lure them towards us with, well, food
You can get close to them, as long as you’re not standing in their blind spot
Majestic beasts
Over 60 years old
You got some banana mush on year trunk, Sir.
Shall I peel them for you?
Trunk incoming
Olfactory check
Covering them in mud
All mudded up
And then into the river to get it all off again
Just make sure they don’t sit down on you
Night Market in Chiang Mai
Disney princesses picking a different path
Great talent to be found here
It even smelled weird
A big gas bubble is forming on my drink. Is it supposed to be like this?
Random stuff
“Welcome to Monk Chat”
Tourist trap
Another nice place to stay tonight