Getting a rough idea of the area
It’s hot 🥵 We’re trying to stay in the shade
OK, here we go…
It’s weird to think about the fact that these civilizations just vanished. The people themselves didn’t, however: 40 % of Guatemalans are descendants of indigenous Mayan people. And to them, Spanish isn’t even their first language. Guatemala differentiates between more than 20 Mayan languages that are still spoken today.
Friendly Little Coatis Everywhere!
More of this Nature
Cotten-like buds
Some stuff growing on trees, but it’s not a parasite. Nature is friendly here. Only the people will mug you if you’re crossing the wrong neighborhood.
Another big-ass tree
Birdo Watching
A toucan! (Or as they call them here: “Fruit Loops”)
Fancy gradient birdo