I’ve Been Robbed (by a monkey)

Bali is big, a car trip from the north to the south takes four hours. There’s no public transport, but taxis are cheap. At least when you use Grab, one of the Asian Ubers, where the fares are set and not based on where you’re from. And you can pay by card within the app, so you can decide how much you want to tip and are not dependent on how much change your driver is in the mood to carry. And if you get yourself familiar with the private shuttle bus companies, getting around becomes even cheaper.

Ubud is another very chill place on Bali. Most of Bali actually is, apart from the party streets of Kuta. But Ubud is different. The streets are filled with art. If you’re an artist and live on Bali, you live in Ubud. The shops are more beautiful, and many of them have their very own styles.

On my first night, I got robbed. On my way from a local supermarket to my bungalow, a big monkey was sitting in my path. When I realized that white plastic bags very clearly say “Here’s some food for you,” it was already too late. Walking around him didn’t help, he slowly walked towards me, ripped open the bag and made everything tumble to the ground: Little bags of chips, a KitKat, two bananas, my camera, my wallet, a bottle of water and some more stuff. He opted for the chips, the KitKat and the bananas and left the rest. Stupid monkey. Could have taken my wallet to buy himself 1.000 bags of chips.

Exploring Ubud by foot

Hidden place

Hanging out